synthetic paper
Oh, the possibilities! Durable, tear resistent and water resistent-- just like our popular PLASTIC T-cards, only BETTER!
We can print your custom design in black/white or color and you'll have a T-card that can hold up over time. Think dirty shop environments... we can see the wheels turning already.

inventory contol
kamishibai board
Make sure every part is available "just in time" for assembly or distribution using T-cards. A card for every part or bin of parts that follows those parts around the plant. When they are consumed, the card returns to the board and purchasing knows exactly what items need to be brought in. Never have to shut down a production line again because of a part being "out of stock".

emergency &
resource management
Fire departments across the country are familiar with the ICS-219
T-card shown above. This simple T-card design is a reliable way to keep track of resources before, during and after an incident. Match them with a portable canvas T-card rack and you've got a winning solution.

call us for GSA pricing at
Now printing T-cards
in color

Now Better Way has a color press, so if you want a logo or a colored stripe in the T of the card or any other way you think colored ink would enhance your T-card design, WE CAN DO IT! Give us a call to discuss details and pricing.

Find us on
T-cards are available in
#2, #3 or #4 sizes.

10% off
Use coupon code BW10P
online or by phone.
Card Stock

Add a strip of WOW!
Seeing RED in a good way...
We have available 30, 40,
and 50 slot strips for
#3 size T-cards.
Order them on their own, or add them into an existing #3 size RACK.
Give us a call and we'll give you the details on making a RED statement.